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发布日期:2023-03-18    作者:     来源:美高梅mgm1888     点击:



教研室人员依托浙江省大气污染与健康国际科技合作基地,美高梅MGM官网中美联合环境与肺系疾病研究中心等平台,进行环境污染物及极端温度的健康危害、机制与防治研究。近年来先后承担了国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项1项、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目1项、面上项目3项、青年基金项目2项,浙江省杰出青年基金等省部级和厅局级科研项目多项;在Environ Health PerspectPart Fibre Toxicol等杂志累计发表论文100余篇。


The Department of Toxicology currently has 4 faculty members including 1 professor, 1 associate professor, 1 lecturer and 1 technician. Professor Cuiqing Liu, who has earned the Zhejiang Provincial Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and Zhejiang Provincial Toxicology Science and Technology Award, is also the innovation leader and academic leader of Universities in Zhejiang Province.

The Department of Toxicology offers a few courses for undergraduate and graduate students, primarily including Hygiene Toxicology, Environmental Hygiene, Principles and Methods on Hygiene Research, Basis of Toxicological Experiment, Advanced Environmental Toxicology, and Pollutants and Health, among which the Hygiene Toxicology course has been selected as the first-class courses in Zhejiang Province. In the past five years, the department has been awarded over 5 teaching reform projects such as the Virtual Simulation Teaching Project of Zhejiang Province, published many papers on teaching reform, edited 1 popular science book "Haze", and participated in the compilation of 4 works and textbooks.

 Based on “Zhejiang International Science and Technology Cooperation Base of Air Pollution and Health” and “the Joint China-US Research Center for Environment and Pulmonary Diseases,” we focus on exploring health effects, toxic mechanism and preventions of environmental pollutants and extreme temperatures. In recent years, we have been awarded one National Key Research and Development Program of China, six projects by National Natural Science Foundation of China, and several projects by Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation and other funds. In addition, we have published more than 100 research papers in recent years, including in Environ Health Perspect and Part Fibre Toxicol.

Faculty members of the department also served as vice Chairman of the Health Management Branch of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, member of the Board of Directors of the Chinese Society of Environmental Mutagens, standing member of the Mutagenesis Committee, member of the Board of Directors of the Chinese Society of Toxicology, member of the Standing Committee of the Epigenetic Toxicology Committee, member of the Respiratory Toxicology Committee, member of the Educational Toxicology Committee/Youth Committee, member of the Health Toxicology Branch of the Chinese Preventive Medical Association, vice chairman of Ecology and Environmental Toxicology Committee of Zhejiang Toxicology Society, etc. Instructed and guided by our faculty in the department, our undergraduates won the second prize of the Campus Science Popularization Competition of the Chinese Society of Toxicology; and our graduates won the Scientific Research Fund project of Zhejiang Chinese Medicine University, National Scholarships and Outstanding Graduate Award of Zhejiang Province.