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发布日期:2023-03-08    作者:     来源:美高梅mgm1888     点击:



科研方面,创立校级研究所-健康风险暴露与慢病研究所及院级研究所-营养与健康研究所。学科目前有全职博士后2人,在读博士、硕士研究生20余名。教研室成员先后承担国家自然科学基金等科研项目8项(面上项目4项、青年项目4项)、承担校企横向课题3项;以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文60余篇(一区20余篇),部分成果被GutJournal of HepatologyHepatologyAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition等权威刊物收录。获得省部级科研奖励2项,授权发明专利5件,其中国际发明专利1件。


There are 4 full-time teachers in the Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene at Zhejiang Chinese Medical University School of Public Health, including one professor, two associate professors and one assistant professor. They have been selected into the Outstanding Contribution of Young Scientific and Technological Talents in Zhejiang Province, “Ten Thousand Plan” Youth Top Talents in Zhejiang Province, Winer of Zhejiang Distinguished Youth Fund, Leading Talent Program of Colleges and Universities in Zhejiang Province, "Yuanzhi Youqing" and "Yuanzhi Youbo" of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University.

At present, the main compulsory courses and elective courses offered for undergraduate and graduate students include Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Preventive Medicine, Advances in Nutrition and Health, Nutrition and Diet Therapy, etc. The teachers have participated in editing text books including Traditional Chinese Medicine Diet and Health and Preventive Medicine, and were involved in editing Medical Nutrition and Healthy Nutrition as associated editor. In the recent five years, they have received almost fifteen projects of education and teaching reform and research, and published several papers related to teaching reform.

In terms of scientific research, the Institute of Health Risk Exposure and Chronic Disease and Institute of Nutrition and Health were established. At present, the discipline has 2 full-time post-doctors and more than 20 PhD and master students. In total, the teachers have received 8 funds from the Natural Science Foundation of China, and 3 funds from company. They have published more than 60 SCI papers as the first or corresponding author. In addition, parts of their findings were published in top journals, such as Gut, Journal of Hepatology, Hepatology and American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. They have won 2 provincial and ministerial scientific research awards. Besides, they have been authorized more than 5 invention patens, including 2 international invention patent.

They also have guided undergraduates and received more than six student projects including National College Students' innovation and entrepreneurship projects, and "New Talent Plan" project. The students won the second prize in the Life Science Competition for College students in Zhejiang Province and Zhejiang Medical Skills Competition. They also have guided undergraduates to publish a number of high-level academic papers.